Analysis of the market gardening sector in Burkina Faso
This study is part of the technical support and capacity building of various strategic rural development ministries for the impact analysis of agricultural and rural development policies on food security and poverty. in Burkina Faso. The CCA (Commodity Chain Analysis) software is one of the technical tools capable of automating this type of analysis, and therefore a technical tool par excellence for decision support.
It was a question here, by means of a case study targeted on the “market gardening sector in Burkina Faso” to allow the technical structures concerned, to be able to analyze the impacts of policies on key socioeconomic dimensions. such as poverty, inequality, food security or on major environmental aspects.
For reasons documented later in the body of the report, only four speculations were retained (tomato, bulb onion, green bean, potato). Notwithstanding this restriction, very interesting results have been obtained and can be presented in synthetic form as follows:
a generally favorable legal and regulatory context despite some persistent constraints such as the land issue, water availability, the cramped nature of both internal and external markets, the insecurity of investments in public areas, etc. These major constraints are strong fortunately mitigated by an investment code
and an advantageous customs code.
A well-developed institutional environment (public and private institutions, associative structures, economic interest groups, commercial companies, etc.), but insufficiently organized and coordinated in its intervention in the sector.
A sub-regional context very favorable to Burkinabé exports to WAEMU member countries but subject to administrative formalities sometimes considered demanding.
An underdeveloped international context for Burkinabe products and characterized by new provisions such as Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs) that could seriously weaken Burkina’s capacity to export to the markets
Europeans, especially the French market.
Distribution circuits, particularly domestic ones which are on the rise for a large number of products, with external circuits only interesting a few products such as green beans, tomatoes and bulb onions;
Large areas increasingly specialized in vegetable production according to speculations.
More and more diversified agents and providers. In this study, for reasons of availability of relevant data on all the agents of the sector, only two of them (producers and traders) were analyzed as such, all the others having been assimilated to service providers. in one way or another in the industry. Thus, approved suppliers, non-approved suppliers, local carriers, international carriers, consumers of household or similar types and consumers of institutional or similar types were considered as service providers.
Producing agents, all types of speculation in increasing numbers, exploiting increasingly large areas. Quantitative progress despite some constraints related to factors of production such as access to land and access to water.
Processors whose overall activity is currently underdeveloped. These are mainly artisanal processors, the industrial units hardly exist any more after the difficulties which put an end to the experiment of SAVANA and recently of SOPROFA.
Traders responsible for marketing, wholesale, semi-wholesale or retail. The market gardening sector limited to the four selected speculations seems promising for each of them with different benefits from one speculation to another.
The results of the financial analysis show that although the three categories of agents analyzed (producer, trader wholesaler and trader retailer) make profits, there is nevertheless a high concentration of these profits at the level of wholesale traders.
The effects of a development policy are very beneficial to all agents and in particular to producers; which suggests a lack of efficiency in practices without a policy. The economic analysis shows a disadvantage of the agents of the sector especially in the acquisition of exchangeable inputs which are taxed.
Burkina Faso has an advantage in producing the four speculations analyzed since the costs of domestic resources are to its advantage.