Animation Unit

The technical animation unit ensures the technical and logistical management of the coordination, the programming and management of training and events (workshops, seminars, technical forums, etc.), the programming of the special Food Security Information System (SISA) fund. , coordination of consultation for the periodic review of the SISA action plan, the functions of focal point for FIVIMS and other international initiatives.
The coordination unit is responsible for managing the resources made available to it. The management of training courses responds to the capacity building needs of SISA actors (central and local level) in a coordinated and planned manner in an environment involving government and non-government actors.
The programming of events aims on the one hand to share knowledge through ad hoc initiatives (seminars, workshops, etc.), and on the other hand to ensure the proper succession of
technical forum work. The special SISA fund is made up of a financing reserve whose purpose relates to the support of heavy surveys (agricultural and pastoral census, etc.), research work related to the emergence of particular conditions which in essence, fall outside the programming framework and research / development of methods, instruments, and innovative tools for monitoring and analyzing food security.
By virtue of its position, the National Coordination of the Information System on Food Security (CN-SISA) is best qualified to initiate or relay funding proposals to the steering committee. The CN-SISA’s permanent contact with the SISA systems and actors enables it to collect and synthesize for the steering committee recommendations for improving the SISA action plan. The CN-SISA plays a public relations and partnership promotion function in food security information with national and international partners (FAO, CILSS, WFP, UNICEF, NGOs, Research centers, etc.).