The early warning unit is responsible for:
- campaign forecasts (in harmony with CILSS initiatives in July),
- the publication of the annual report on food security (cyclical aspect),
- monitoring the food situation and rural and urban vulnerability,
- the identification of areas and populations at risk,
- strengthening of the information collection system in identified areas with a high probability of exposure to the risk of food insecurity,
- the identification of needs and proposals for preventive, curative and palliative interventions in the non-food areas of food security and vulnerability,
- evaluation of the implementation and impact of interventions, evaluation of the level of response and intervention triggered by taking into account its information and recommendations,
- evaluating the use made of information and recommendations from devices and forums,
- the permanent supply of the information center on the basis of own data and other sources of information.
The prognosis and diagnostic model must be refined and developed by the Technical Structural Analysis Unit (CAS), taking into account the strengths and weaknesses of other models from other countries. Along with this research, other methods of approaching and identifying vulnerable groups will be explored (action research, AP3A-SVN tools, etc.).
The “nutrition” and “income” dimensions are taken into account in the coordination of collection mechanisms to allow the SAP to integrate these essential parameters into their analysis framework.
The network of central focal points (in sectoral systems) and local (in provinces) constitute the base on which the organization and work of SAP / GTP are deployed. The national coordination of the SISA works for a functional reconciliation is as fast as possible.