Final national cereal balance sheet for the 2011/2012 agricultural season

The final national cereal balance for the 2011/2012 campaign is in deficit, showing a negative balance estimated at 154,462 tonnes. The forecasts of commercial imports and food aid, minus the forecasts of exports, show an import / export balance of 266,902 tonnes, showing a net surplus of 112,440 tonnes, or an apparent available per capita of 211 kg for the year of consumption.

Table: Final national cereal balance for the 2011/2012 agricultural season

POPULATION AU 30/04/2012 16 692 477
1. DISPONIBILITES 154 898 0 3 105 851 3 260 749
PRODUCTION BRUTE (CAMP 2011/2012) 240 865 0 3 425 539 3 666 405
PRODUCTION DISPONIBLE 132 476 0 2 911 708 3 044 184
STOCKS INITIAUX (AU 01/11/2011) 22 423 0 194 143 216 565
-STOCKS PAYSANS 0 0 152 570 152 570
-AUTRES STOCKS 22 423 0 41 572 63 995
2. BESOINS 332 029 31 003 3 052 180 3 415 212
NORMES DE CONSOMMATION(kg/hbt/an) 20 2 169 190
CONSOMMATION HUMAINE 326 299 31 003 2 814 269 3 171 571
STOCKS FINAUX (AU 31/10/2012) 5 730 0 237 911 243 641
+ STOCKS PAYSANS 3 730 0 205 086 208 816
+ AUTRES STOCKS 2 000 0 32 825 34 825
3. EXCEDENT(+)/DEFICIT(-) BRUT -177 130 -31 003 53 671 -154 462
4. SOLDE IMPORT/EXPORT 203 504 56 875 6 523 266 902
IMPORTATIONS COMMERCIALES (2011/2012) 201 031 57 458 25 643 284 132
+ COMMERCANTS PRIVES 195 740 53 956 17 144 266 840
+ AUTRES IMPORTATIONS 5 291 3 502 8 499 17 292
AIDES ALIMENTAIRES 2 600 0 1 778 4 378
EXPORTATIONS PREVUES 127 583 20 898 21 608
5. EXCEDENT(+)/DEFICIT(-)NET 26 374 25872 60 194 112 440
6. DISPONIBLE APPARENT/HBT(kg) 21 3 186 211

Source: Food Situation Forecasting Committee (CPSA)