It is a common tool made available to sectoral systems and users of the Food Security Information System (SISA). The Information Center is in charge of the following different functions:
Node of exchange and concentration of sectoral information and analyzes on food security
This function must evolve towards a proactive approach in which the central will stimulate the inter-compatibility of data, the search for additional information, the discriminated dissemination of information according to the audiences, feedback to customers and to focal points.
Point of convergence of focal points
From the decentralized focal points, the sheets containing the most relevant elements of the various disciplines involved in the monitoring of the campaign and the food will go back to the information center which will archive them, process them, and make them available. technicians in charge of using them.
Information monitoring
Other vigilance reflexes need to be developed to complement the usual ways of detecting early signals. The consultation of Internet sites dedicated to food security, the examination of thematic press dispatches, the rapid screening of local newspapers, the call for testimony from members of the network that is weaving the Food Security Information System (SISA ) are all monitoring possibilities that will make the SISA more open, more responsive and more robust.
“One stop shop” for users
The only site for documents, databases, computer files, references of experts and projects, as well as other information likely to assist them, the one-stop shop allows the Food Security Information System (SISA) to ” extend its network of relationships with other institutions and other resource persons.
Processing and computing center
The processing and computing center is a tool available to:
- devices: to process, verify and secure data and processing. To develop tools specifically responding to the analysis of certain sectoral problems, for occasional troubleshooting of devices, to facilitate the harmonization of methods and formats between devices of the Food Security Information System (SISA), for the implementation in common and the sharing of expertise, etc.
- of the national SISA coordination: to accelerate the processing of SAP data, to run and improve simulation and forecasting models on vulnerability, to enhance the SISA database, to raise the level of analyzes published in the report annual report on the state of food security, expertise outside SISA which is made available to SISA: for researchers, universities and research centers, trainees.
Establishment of an intersectoral and Food Security GIS - The GIS is an integral part of the computer center. One of its specific missions is to contribute to the publication of the atlas on food security. The transfer of knowledge and the popularization of simplified GIS (see KIMS software of FIVIMS, Visual Map of the AP3A project, etc.) remain major duties to which the Technical Animation Unit must comply.
Geographic Information System and Early Warning
The analysis of risk areas is a tool in the planning of interventions in several areas, including food security. Procedures for detecting and analyzing risk areas, using satellite images, complement existing models. The method allows to go in depth through the various databases ranging from a national level to the local level.
Geographic Information System and Structural Food Security
In its structural dimension, the analysis of food security is mainly linked to the issue of the use of natural resources. Sectoral planning and resource use are partly based on maps of agro-climatic zones and vegetation maps, as well as rainfall, agricultural, economic and demographic statistics. Indeed, statistical information from multiple databases should be made more accessible, including databases and products from Geographic Information Systems. The integrated use of the various data available at several administrative levels shows that the approach based on the use of remote sensing and GIS data is in principle compatible with other monitoring methods and food security strategies.