Joint mission to monitor and assess the current food and nutritional situation of households

12 April 2012

A joint mission to assess the food and nutritional situation and to monitor the markets for agricultural products took place from 05 to 12 February 2012 in the thirteen regions of the country. This mission was attended by representatives of the structures and institutions involved in the management of food security: DGPER, SE / CNSA, SONAGESS, DGPSE, DGPV, SP / CONASUR, DGISS, FAO, SP / PAM, PAM, DGEAP, IGAE , Afrique Verte, SP / CONACILSS, CIC-B and DN.
The goal of this joint mission was to assess the risk levels of food insecurity and household vulnerability, as well as the functioning of the markets for agricultural products in the different regions in order to consolidate the final results of the 2011/2012 agricultural campaign. .
Specifically, these were:

  • Take stock of the final results of the 2011/2012 rainy season, irrigated crops and forecast off-season harvests and their possible impact on the functioning of markets;Collect all the available data on the functioning of the cereal and livestock markets and the price levels observed;
  • Carry out a thorough examination of the information available concerning the current level of prices, supply, demand, flows, stocks and their outlook for the coming months;
  • Evaluate their impact on the income of agro-pastoral producer households and accessibility to food for deficit households;
  • Collect all other information necessary to assess the food situation in the country and identify areas at risk of food insecurity and populations that will be potentially affected;
  • Assess the food outlook of households in areas with risk factors for food insecurity and the additional needs of interventions to mitigate these risks;
  • Collect information on the prevalence of malnutrition in the different regions presenting risk factors for food insecurity;
  • To determine the humanitarian interventions in progress and the prospects;

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