Monitoring of the agricultural season and the food situation
After a mixed start to the agricultural season, plantings intensified from the 3rd ten days of June in all regions. Until July 13, the spatio-temporal distribution of the rain is considered to be good.
The filling level of the water points is satisfactory. There are already threats of degradation of certain hydraulic structures.
During this period, the phytosanitary and animal health situation is relatively calm.
The food and nutritional situation of the populations is generally satisfactory. However, some departments are experiencing food difficulties which can be solved by the third operation of sale of cereals at social price, currently underway. The markets are adequately supplied with cereals. Prices, although high compared to last year, remain lower than their 2005 level. The current trend is towards stability, or even downwards in certain markets due to the good physiognomy of the campaign and the exit of traders stocks.
The food situation of the cattle is good. The price level for animals is high compared to last year. This price level facilitates the access of pastoral households to food in the markets.