Système d'Information sur la Sécurité Alimentaire.

Accueil Monthly Bulletin No. 14 of the Early Warning System

Monthly Bulletin No. 14 of the Early Warning System

29 April 2010

The current household food situation is generally satisfactory on the whole. The current level of farmer food stocks is considered good to medium in most regions. There is also good availability of market garden products, which also contributes to improving the food situation of households.
This satisfactory overall situation hides disparities, however. Indeed, the household food situation in the Sahel is particularly worrying. Household stocks are generally low in several municipalities. The market is currently the main source of household supplies. However, animal husbandry, which is the main source of income in these areas, is not as efficient in view of the drop in the price level of animals on the markets, linked among other things to the poor physical condition of the animals and to the lack of a buoyant market.
The nutritional situation established on the two passages (July and December) of data collection of the MUAC of children under five years of age during the 2009 LFS shows that the overall rate of acute malnutrition in children has increased from 13% in July to 12.4% in December, ie a stability of the nutritional situation between the two passages. This confirms the chronicity of child malnutrition in the country. The East, Sahel and South-West regions show the highest levels of malnutrition as in 2008 and to a lesser extent the Center-West and the Central Plateau.
In order to alleviate the food difficulties, the Government will carry out sales of cereals at social prices over the period from April 1 to September 30, 2010. However, in view of the difficult food situation of livestock in the Sahel region and the provinces borders and the high price of SPAI on the markets, a subsidized allocation of 3,350 tonnes of SPAI is necessary to meet the needs over the period March-June 2010.
The Director General of Promotion
of Rural Economy (DGPER)
Souleymane OUEDRAOGO

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