Système d'Information sur la Sécurité Alimentaire.

Accueil Monthly Bulletin No. 16 of the Early Warning System

Monthly Bulletin No. 16 of the Early Warning System

28 June 2010

The food situation is generally satisfactory. The current market behavior does not suggest a situation of generalized food crisis because the markets are fairly well supplied, largely by traders ‘stocks in most regions but also by farmers’ stocks specifically in surplus regions.
This good availability of foodstuffs has reinforced the stability of cereal prices, even slight drops compared to the previous month. Likewise, compared to last year at the same period, prices are stable (for millet) or down by around 5% and 7%. Slight increases (2% to 6%) are observed compared to the five-year average level.

In terms of nutrition, the screening for acute malnutrition operated on children aged 0 to 5 in the first quarter of 2010 does not indicate, with the exception of the Sahel region, worrying rates overall compared to the same period. 2009.
Livestock feed continues to be critical in the Sahel region, in the northern parts of the Center-North and in the provinces of Gnagna and Komondjari in the East region due to the total lack of pasture and poor physiological state of animals.
On the agricultural front, thanks to the good rainfall recorded in the Sudanian zone of the country, sowing has become widespread in the western, southern and southwestern regions. Field preparations are continuing in other parts of the country and localized seedlings have been observed in places.
In perspective, the good availability of cereal products on regional markets, linked to the destocking operated by traders, the continuation of the operation of sale of cereals at social price and humanitarian interventions are the contributing factors and will play a role. important in alleviating food difficulties in risk areas.
The Director General of the Promotion of the Rural Economy (DGPER)
Souleymane OUEDRAOGO

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