Monthly Bulletin No. 5 of the Early Warning System
At the end of June, the installation of the campaign is effective in all regions of the country. However, they showed a delay compared to 2008. Sowing is 80% completed. Emergence is the dominant stage for crops. However, a heterogeneous situation can be observed in the regions: regions in which cultivation operations are more advanced (a start of bolting for maize and rice, tillering for millet and branching
for peanuts, cowpeas and yams) are the East, the South-West, the Cascades, the Hauts Bassins and the Boucle du Mouhoun.
As of June 30, 2009, the market supply was satisfactory. The prices of traditional cereals fluctuated slightly by 3 to 6% compared to the previous quarter.
Compared to the average of the last 5 years (2004-2008), there is an increase of 23 to 29% for traditional cereals and 46% for imported rice. However, compared to 2005, the year of food crisis, there was a drop of 4 to 7% for traditional cereals, but an increase of 55% for imported rice.
The regularity of the rains observed in early July will allow, if that is maintained, to complete the sowing operations of cereal crops and cotton in most of the country.
Forecasts indicate good precipitation for the period July 10 to 17 except in the northern half of the country where recorded rainfall will remain low.
The irregularity of the rains and the operation of sale of cereals at social prices in risk areas are factors favorable to market supply (with the marketing of farmer stocks) and price stability.
The Director General of the Promotion of the Rural Economy (DGPER)
Souleymane OUEDRAOGO