Monthly meeting on the assessment of the current and forecast food situation in Burkina Faso…
On Wednesday April 11, 2012, a monthly meeting was held in the conference room of the Directorate General for the Promotion of Rural Economy (DGPER), located in Ouaga 2000 on the assessment of the current and forecast food situation of our country.
The purpose of this meeting was to update the current food and nutrition situation through data from the various sectoral information systems on food security and the various actions underway for the prevention and reduction of food crisis risks.
Were present at this meeting, around thirty invited structures including FAO, PAM, FEWS NET, CONASUR, to name but a few. More than forty (40) people from these structures attended the meeting.
The agenda was mainly based on thematic presentations, followed by discussions and of course a point of sale. The themes addressed are as follows:
Ø Restitution of the summary of the joint mission, presented by the DGPER,
Ø Situation of cereal stocks and transfers from surplus areas to deficit areas, presented by CIC-B,
Ø Forecast of cereal prices (millet, maize, sorghum), presented by the DGPER
Ø Response plan to the movement of Malian refugees to Burkina, presented by CONASUR,
Ø Assessment of the first phase of the sale operation at social price in risk areas, presented by SONAGESS,
Ø Food Outlook, presented by FAO and FEWS NET,
Ø Current interventions (humanitarian, programs) and prospects, presented by WFP and FAO
The participants listened carefully to the presentations. Then there were exchanges; The comments and recommendations made will certainly be taken into account …