Système d'Information sur la Sécurité Alimentaire.

Accueil Result of the permanent agricultural survey 2004-2005 season

Result of the permanent agricultural survey 2004-2005 season

1 November 2005

The 2004-2005 campaign was characterized by a difficult installation in June, an average rainfall in August and weak rains in September with sudden stop.
Overall, rainfall was lower than last year. It has been roughly equal to the average of the last twenty years.
Like most Sahelian countries, the countryside was marked by the locust invasion. In Burkina Faso, its impact was very significant in the Sahel region (far north of the country), and to a lesser extent in the Center –North, North and East regions.
This very average rainfall behavior as well as the locust invasion had a very negative influence on the level of agricultural production, as well as on the evolution of the food situation.
The purpose of this document is to collect the main data relating to Burkina Faso Agriculture. The emphasis is on comments and analysis. The form of presentation of the data allows, it seems to us, better use by the various users for the various needs of planning, national accounts, research, etc.
The significant collaboration of national public services such as the Regional Directorates of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries Resources (DRAHRH), and the financial support of the State and development partners in particular the European Union and the Kingdom of Denmark through the National Land Management Program phase II (PNGT 2), enabled the proper execution of this survey.
This report was prepared by the HPFB for the publication of the results of the 2004-2005 crop year.
To all of you, our sincere thanks.
The Director General

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