Structural Analysis

Institutionally, there is no counterpart to SAP for the analysis and formulation of structural food security proposals. It is proposed that a Technical Structural Analysis Unit (CAS) now takes care of this function.
As an indication, the Technical Structural Analysis Unit (CAS) deals with the following questions:

  • the identification and management of studies and thematic analyzes carried out on topics related to food security and structural vulnerability,
  • strengthening the convergence of evidence between food security, nutrition and poverty analyzes, in particular with a view to developing coherent and operational targeting methods,
  • performance assessment and the use of lessons learned from forecasting and simulation models (IAP, MATA, Risk model),
  • conducting thematic and strategic food security analyzes (derived from the SNSA OVI dashboard), preparing the “Annual report on the state of food security” in its structural section, and compiling other flaps for a document if possible unique,
  • the publication of the triennial Atlas on SA,
  • the permanent supply of the information center on the basis of own work and other sources of information,
  • the use of data from ISs and regional observatories on food security,
  • the evaluation of the use made of information and recommendations from devices and forums,
  • the assessment of the level of intervention triggered by taking into account this information and recommendations,
    SNSA’s strategic orientation proposals.

The Technical Structural Analysis Unit (CAS) is called upon to work in close collaboration with the various statistical devices and other structures which are mandated for the collection and structural analysis of data such as INSD, SP-CPSA, CONEDD, ONAPAD, sector IS, etc.

Partnerships with universities and research centers and other national and international institutions improve publications. It also confirms the national coordination of SISA as a communication hub in an expanded exchange network.