Technical Forum

The establishment of a technical forum responds to the desire for permanent consultation between the systems, a spirit of openness and transparency with the other players in the Food Security Information System (SISA). The range of topics covered during the meetings is not restrictive. These may be known themes for further study or innovative and relevant themes for SISA actors.
The meetings are chaired by the actor with the best technical competence for the topic being dealt with, while the secretariat is provided for all meetings by the National Coordination of SISA. The secretariat of the technical forums reports to the Government and
partners of its findings and proposals. There are three areas to be addressed by the forums:
Coordination, technical assessment of devices and tools.
This forum inherits and expands the prerogatives of the old ICC. On its own initiative or on that of the other two forums, this forum deals with points such as:

  • the evaluation of methodologies and tools,
  • the promotion of new methods and approaches,
  • the evaluation of the functioning of the systems (central and decentralized),
  • the assessment of various aspects of the quality of information,
  • the assessment of coordination, synergies and complementarities between the systems.
    With the power of initiative, this assembly:
  • validates the methodologies and tools that enter into the routines of the SISA,
  • validates technical audits,
  • makes recommendations aimed at optimizing the functioning of information channels,
  • formulates targeted improvement proposals on the basis of technical assessments and audits.
    As an indication, in addition to other invited experts, the focal points of the systems, CONEDD, ONAPAD, the SISA action plan technical monitoring committee and the National Statistical Coordination Council would be members. The forum is convened at least once a year (March), and whenever necessary on the proposal of the mechanisms.
    Monitoring and management of cyclical food insecurity
    The primary mandate of this forum is to put available data and analysis to the test of criticism and appreciation. This is the information produced as part of the close monitoring of campaigns, the food situation and vulnerability.
    The Early Warning Unit (CAP) is responsible for producing information on short-term food security and early warning. During the forums, the CAP presents and defends the tools, methods, and results obtained. The forum is used to supplement information that would come from other sources, and validates the information presented, before it is transmitted to decision-making bodies.
    Notwithstanding the major meetings in November and February (respectively on the state of food security, the provisional and final assessment), the forum meets at least once a quarter to assess regular information products (monthly bulletins, annual report ,…). The forum appreciates the use made of its recommendations.
    This assembly has the opportunity to formulate proposals and recommendations in in terms of the general organization and operationalization of targeting and early warning interventions.
    Sharing and analysis of structural food security and monitoring of SNSA OVIs
    This forum is designed to analyze and criticize information that deals with issues of major trends capable of explaining changes in food security in the medium and long term. To do this, it will be held at least once a year during June, to assess the report on the state of food security (like the national report on poverty and HDD) and on the monitoring of implementation of the SNSA.
    This annual report is produced by the CAS in coordination with the SP-CPSA service and with ONAPAD and the DEP of the various ministries involved in the implementation of the SNSA. The purpose of these meetings is to gather critical opinions from SISA stakeholders with regard to the problems related to the functioning of the systems and the relevance of food safety assessment tools. The forum appreciates the use that is made of its recommendations. It benefits from the guidance proposal power of SNSA and SISA.