Evolution of market gardening in Burkina Faso between campaigns 94-95 and 97-98
At a time when we never stop talking about the fight against poverty, off-season cultivation is proving to be a means of reducing poverty through the jobs it creates, the income it provides and the food it provides. ‘she puts at our disposal. Market gardening has long gone without receiving the attention it deserves, and it is only recently that initiatives have been taken to promote the sector. In Burkina Faso, the collection of data relating to market gardening began in 1990 but was interrupted during campaigns 92-93 and 93-94. This sector faces human, land and water obstacles which hinder the smooth running of market gardening activities. Despite the multiple technical and financial support provided by the State and Non-Governmental Organizations, the productivity of market gardeners remains largely insufficient. The very strong fluctuation of the market gardening sector makes it difficult to fully understand all of its aspects. Market gardening is increasingly taking place both in the countryside and in the city. Hence the need to know and follow the evolution of the sector for actions to be taken for a better organization of the sector.
To better understand the evolution of the market gardening sector, we have subdivided our document into two parts. The first part concerns the presentation of the host structure for the internship, the characteristics of the sector as well as the work methodology. As for the second, it presents and analyzes the results obtained. A conclusion and recommendations will be formulated for stakeholders in the sector.